reaper verse info

the basics

full name. 00 Grim
aka. Mourning Dove Grim / Mourning / Zero
age. 1 - 4 (chronologically) / 19 - 22 (mentally & physically)
gender & pronouns. agender / demi-female / she.her & they.them
species. orbiter of death.
occupation. paid intern of Reap & Sow Taxes Rouen, France Branch #001
Division A0, Member of Subdivision SC (Skeleton Crew) #087— for Cheaters of Death: Mourning is one of the assassins in subdivision #087 dealing with any & all humans who have been cheating deathresidence. Rouen, France (travels often)

deeper info

date of birth. 10.31
birth place. Tokyo, Japan
ethnicity. inapplicable, however, her ethnic features from her past life carried on to her as a reaper, making her look to be of mixed race (that being Japanese & Pardo Brazilian - Indo African.)
parents. Graves Grim (father)
siblings. none
languages. Japanese / French / English
education. has no memory of past life basically making specific education from her past null & void. Graves has brought her knowledge up to that of a high school level.

medical records

mental state. nothing of note to be had, but just as her Father -- Mourning Dove is a lot more empathetic than most reapers. this is because of her human heart.
physical state. null.
phobias. no irrational fears
eyesight. surpasses that of a human. he can see the auras of the 'marked ones', demons & other supernatural beings. he can see just fine in the dead of night as well. because she has one Eye of Aether, she can see past cloaking magic.
drug usage. none
alcohol consumption. drinks wines & ciders on special occasions.
diet. her body has no use for food but does so because of how enjoyable it is. eats plenty of junk food.

physical appearance

build. average height, slightly curvy.
hair. platinum blonde often lazily & messily tied up twin ponytails her eyebrows are bushy & black in contrast to her hair.
eyes. her eyes remain two different colours just as she was while human but her right eye is now yellow, a result of what happens to human eyes when they are used to create reapers. her left remains a pale blue as this eye is not a human eye.
complexion. light with olive undertones. a constant red flush to her skin. she doesn't burn or redden when exposed to sun, instead tanning.
blemishes. none.
scars. none
tattoos. none
piercings. both earlobes
faceclaim. momokusa yomogi


zodiac. scorpio
alignment. chaotic neutral
mbti. entp
likes. cheesy potatoes / birds / miniature things / salmon (mostly smoked) / smell of burning wood / maple leafs / cream puffs / Taco Bell (or whatever universe’s equivalent) / most things music / sushi
dislikes. crunchy peanut butter / horror movies / boats / seagulls / filling out paperwork
fears. fluffy caterpillars
positive traits. adventurous / calm / straightforward
negative traits. insensitive / bothersome / self-interested

outlook. Mourning Dove is a bit of an odd ball who always goofs around — problem is, no one can tell very easily. her face & delivery? dry as hell. is the air lightened up by laughter? never! most people find her jokes to be strange as they teeter on a thin line of possible truths, meaning no one really knows if she’s really joking. observing her throughout the day doesn’t lend any justice to the kind of person she really is as Mourning Dove always looks serious. even when doing exciting things, like going on amusement park rides or playing video games.

she doesn’t bother changing this because Mourning Dove just loves to see others get all frazzled by their inability to understand her. while being rather stone faced, if someone were to pay close enough attention — you can see small specs of emotion in the way her cheeks flush a light pink when she finds joy in something or the way her pigtails twitch playfully like cat ears. Mourning Dove doesn’t directly say it & she never will, but she really enjoys the company of other people. this can be an endearing trait of hers, especially as she doesn’t need to be doing anything exciting or talk with someone just to enjoy their company — but she has a habit of being a tad bit bothersome.

there’s an unshakable force that drives her to people, one that cannot go away until she is satisfied. Mourning Dove will follow, pester & just hang around anyone who is unlucky to have caught her interest & boy is she persistent. she will follow them into places she’s not supposed to be, like; schools, offices & their house uninvited — even wait right outside the washroom for them to come back. enjoying the company of others is of course a major factor, but the second would be her interest in observing humans. regular hearing how much respect they have from Graves Grim has made her want to see what’s so great about them & she has! to her, humans are very interesting & fascinating creatures.

combat & skills

strength. 03/10
offence. 07/10
defence. 03/10
speed. 10/10
durability. 05/10
agility. 09/10
stamina. 04/10
stealth. 06/10
endurance. 04/10
intelligence. 08/10
perception. 08/10
close combat. 03/10
bladed weapons. 04/10
blunt weapons. 07/10
ranged weapons. 09/10
supernatural. 07/10
traps. 06/10
medic. 03/10

weapon & equipment.
Guitar Axe Blade & Flame Thrower Attachment: Mourning uses an Axe Blade Guitar as a way to manifest her powers, like a bard. the guitar has been modified with an axe blade attachment & flame thrower. this instrument sounds & looks like an electric guitar but doesn’t need to be plugged in like one.

Modified String Instruments: she has plenty more string instruments, some of which are; an Axe Bass, Violin with a dagger attachment among many other things.

Megaphone: Mourning occasionally uses a megaphone to amplify her voice to increase the velocity of her flames while she sings.

special & unique abilities.
EYE OF AETHER: Mourning Dove has the eyes of Hiromi (including her heart) & has inherited the innate powers within them, being; the ability to see past cloaking magic (magic that hides things) & pacify others when looking at them only when the intent to do so by the user is there. additionally, Graves has taught Mourning Dove to learn other ways to use her eye to help with assassinations & has gained another ability. Mourning Dove can see the location of whoever's blood she consumes. viewing the location of her target can cause blood to seep from her eye because prolonged usage damages the inner nerve endings & surrounding tissue.

Pyrokinesis: Mourning Dove can manifest fire since her creation. a basic ability of hers is to breath fire, something she has learned to alter & manifest primarily while she sings. she has learned many other ways to use her natural gift of pyrokinesis as well.

Fire Beasts: strumming her guitar, even singing a tune — Mourning Dove can summon monsters & creatures to fight or do other things for her, controlling them with song. the more passion put into her playing, the stronger her beasts are. singing while playing her guitar has proven to strengthen the power of her beasts, making them bigger & the flames hotter.


death has finally caught up with the young witchling. she had always been on Fate's radar to die but with Graves Grim's meddling, her life was prolonged but not to an adequate amount that would give her a fulfilling life.

she had always been such a great help to Graves. she helped him with plenty of small investigations when finding those that have cheated death. for a human, her skills at completing work fit for a reaper was impressive... or was it that Hiromi herself influenced the fate of those she met in ways Fate himself couldn't comprehend. the reaper she had come to befriend wanted to know & so he often had other humans die in her place to keep her safe from Fate who had it out for her.

when Graves found her dead body alongside the reapers who were Fate's closest confidants & reapers Graves considered his misguided brothers - Maura & Corpse Grim, he decided to recreate the fate bending girl that was Hiromi.

Graves was rather close with his father, Fate, despite having major disagreements. throughout the years, he learned the spell to create a grim reaper, the main ingredients being lemon, spice & human eyes.

in a cauldron, Graves added all the necessary ingredients including her eyes & another addition - her heart. Graves was also a reaper with a human heart, something that made him more empathetic, something that might be seen as a handicap for a job involving deciding who lives & dies but has proved to make him the most successful reaper Fate has created (& most meddlesome with his plans to end the world).

rising from the cauldron came anew. Hiromi of course had died but small things about her remained. just as Hiromi when she was a child, this new reaper loved music & fell in love with it the moment she stepped into the world. she was eager to learn instruments & sing & Graves would push her to do so - leading her to incorporate her music as a way to use her magic.

eventually, she was given the name Mourning Dove to act as an ode to Hiromi & a nod to her music skills.